Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hello family and friends! I know I attempted to start a blog when I was pregnant, but now that Tucker is here and growing like a weed I thought I should follow through with it this time! That way, through pictures and video, those of you who may not get to see us as often can watch him grow. He is sitting up really well now and is getting ready to crawl. He goes from the sitting position to his knees, then rocks back and forth a few times and lands on his stomach! We have been working on patty-cake and waving bye-bye, and he's learning both but getting them a little
confused as you can tell from the video.
He also loves riding around in his red wagon. Wes and I try to pull him around the neighborhood in it every day since the weather has been so nice. Can't wait for you all to see him again in person!