Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Beach Vacation

Tucker took his second trip to the ocean last week....he is quickly becoming a beach bum! We went to Panama City Beach with my parents and my sister's family. Once again, Tucker loved playing in the sand, even though he didn't eat quite as much this time. We had a lot of fun with him in the pool....he loves to float on his back as you can see in the video.
He started standing without holding on to anything last week and is trying to take a step but usually crashes when he does! He's also eating some table food now and loves to feed himself cherios. And I guess I should quit denying it and admit that he has said his first word....Da-Da. He doesn't necessarily say it when he sees Wes, but if I say it, he repeats it after me. My philosophy on why babies usually say Da-Da first is because they never have to call for Mama because she is always there! He is growing too fast...where does the time go?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Beethoven

Check out Tucker's newest talent. He is going to be a musical genius on the piano...just like his Papa Harper.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tucker's First Beach Trip

Tucker took his first trip to the beach last weekend! We went to St. Simons with our friends and neighbors, Chandler, Jodi, and Coley. Coley is 6 weeks younger than Tucker and they had a great time playing together. He loved the sun and water...and especially the sand! He kept trying to eat it so we had to sit him in his wagon most of the time. We can't wait to take him to Panama City at the end of the month with my parents. He is going to love it....but hopefully eat less sand:)